Beauty in Peace

When we look at a work of art and feel immediately at home with it, we experience what is beautiful. Soul is stirred and we feel most alive in the presence of the beautiful. For a while our stresses and struggles are relieved. In the presence of beauty we surrender and awaken at the same time. Our judgments and calculations melt away, for a moment, as we embrace something that is already inside of us. The human soul is hungry for beauty.

Perhaps it is now time to return to beauty in which we can trust, the sun, the moon, the stars, the four directions, the seasons, the landscape, the water. We seek beauty in art too. When we engage the beautiful a fluency is set free within and between us, our lives become brighter as a small fire rekindles in our heart. Courage to return to the Creative becomes the question as fear melts away.

When we become aware of beauty we become aware of a better way of being in the world. Beauty is a breath that blows open the doors and brings in an active silence and solidarity, stirring itself, already deep seated in the human heart. Beauty is a transforming presents it is a call to growth. Self knowledge of our deepest self unfolds as we are embraced by beauty.

What is majestic in beauty is it's wholeness, harmony and radiance as a threshold between the real and the ideal, longing in communion with each other. There is beauty in peace. This is, truthfully, what The Art of Peace®… is all about.

Jack William Smith

Jack William Smith – [ American, 1951 – to present]

Native Minnesota artist Jack William Smith perfected his fine art out of the spotlight while becoming recognized as one of the most prolific modern day patent artists in the country, acknowledged by thousands of drawings curated in the archives of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Later in his career, he devoted himself to creating painted compositions featuring poetic figures, places and other things hallmarking unlocking the transcendental, The Art of Peace®, in these transitional times. Smith has said; “Some collectors have told me they found a significant part of themselves in my art.”
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