Wholeness Harmony and Radiance

What's this all about? Wholeness, Harmony and Radiance are the root stock of beauty. Beauty is linked with the arch-typical truths deep in the human heart and comprehensible by the human mind. But, when I stand in front of a blank canvas it is anything but comprehensible. My experience is like looking down an ancient well that swallows up my whole being into a free fall darkness, were the graspable walls dissolve into an open space of infinity.

I am left in the disposition of how do I make something sensible or intelligible out of this experience. What comes into my vision and how do I apprehend it. Here is where the model comes in, the mediator, the savior from the free fall down the ancient well.

My mind draws a boundary line about the subject or object to be apprehended. I separate the subject or object from the background of the undefinable open space of infinity. Like plucking a singular wildflower from the great plains of the earth. The main focus of the eye is singular. The subject or object is apprehended as one thing. This is what Wholeness is. Wholeness has integrity.

There is rhythm in wholeness. Abstract parts are contained within a wholeness. The smallest part being a point. From the abstract to the concrete there is a harmonious song, a music that weaves the whole harmoniously. A cadence always waiting to be perceived. This is Harmony.

Finally, the subject or the object perceived as one thing always has a whatness about it. An essence or quality comprehensible by the human mind. This is what radiates. This is what Radiance is.

Beauty is endless and elusive, what it totally is can probably never be said. Consciousness has a tendency to contract and we forget more frequently then what we really care to until, we are stirred by some icon, image or symbol that brings forth beauty. This is, truthfully, what The Art of Peace®… is all about.

Jack William Smith

Jack William Smith – [ American, 1951 – to present]

Native Minnesota artist Jack William Smith perfected his fine art out of the spotlight while becoming recognized as one of the most prolific modern day patent artists in the country, acknowledged by thousands of drawings curated in the archives of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Later in his career, he devoted himself to creating painted compositions featuring poetic figures, places and other things hallmarking unlocking the transcendental, The Art of Peace®, in these transitional times. Smith has said; “Some collectors have told me they found a significant part of themselves in my art.”


What You Look For Determines What You See