What You Look For Determines What You See

What you look for determines what you see. That is why it is a really good thing to look around from time to time with curiosity and interest and exercise the peripheral vision of the eyes. This wonderful exercise relaxes the mind to release it's fixed viewpoint. Expanded vision is more connected with the heart and takes in things that may be missing from a more singular focus.

The Art of Peace® is a record of a unique vision and a snap shot of your experience of looking. When we look around us we can contemplate on the workings around us and take in all that is good for our own. A work of art can be made our own in the outer world and archived in our inner world. Any creative will say, all is our teacher and the world is our school.

It is easy to take vision and hearing for granted when they are so much a part of our day to day existence. We remember when we stub our toe, in the darkness, or miss the communication of our neighbor, because our audio is playing so loudly in our ear. How significant light and sound are in our life.

In my work and life I am always drawn beyond the here and now to the future and a place beyond, that is also within us. This is the place where art and beauty emanates from and is within our range of vision. This is, truthfully, what The Art of Peace®… is all about.


Jack William Smith

Jack William Smith – [ American, 1951 – to present]

Native Minnesota artist Jack William Smith perfected his fine art out of the spotlight while becoming recognized as one of the most prolific modern day patent artists in the country, acknowledged by thousands of drawings curated in the archives of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Later in his career, he devoted himself to creating painted compositions featuring poetic figures, places and other things hallmarking unlocking the transcendental, The Art of Peace®, in these transitional times. Smith has said; “Some collectors have told me they found a significant part of themselves in my art.”


Where Do We Go For Inspiration


Wholeness Harmony and Radiance