Where Do We Go For Inspiration

Where do we go for inspiration? Leonardo da Vinci once said. “He who has access to the fountain does not go to the water pot.” So, we might ask, where is the fountain of inspiration? Certainly, it resides within every individual. For where else could it be? Outward searches have always lead an individual on a path where one comes up some what short of the ultimate goal of the destination and to a divided self.

The aim and purpose of the Art Of Peace® is for the nourishment of the individual on a path of it’s own back to the fountain of inspiration. The ancient Greeks strove for excellence in their art, in the quest for the undivided self. Individual excellence of personal character, physical fitness and wholeness spiritually was the Greek ideal. Through this individual striving the Greeks created a diverse yet mutually beneficial society.

 We look back at Leonardo da Vinci as a prime figure of the European Renaissance. He and other artists of that period rediscovered and were influenced by the wisdom unfolded in ancient Greek culture and were further motivated by the art of the Greeks to look for what the Greeks observed. From this endeavor the artists of that period were lead to further embrace Nature, travel the inward path back to the fountain source of inspiration and produced great art!

Jack William Smith

Jack William Smith – [ American, 1951 – to present]

Native Minnesota artist Jack William Smith perfected his fine art out of the spotlight while becoming recognized as one of the most prolific modern day patent artists in the country, acknowledged by thousands of drawings curated in the archives of the United States Patent and Trademark Office.

Later in his career, he devoted himself to creating painted compositions featuring poetic figures, places and other things hallmarking unlocking the transcendental, The Art of Peace®, in these transitional times. Smith has said; “Some collectors have told me they found a significant part of themselves in my art.”


What is…The Art of Peace®


What You Look For Determines What You See